August, 2011

August, 2011
Missing: Katelyn: passed away 1994

Saturday, November 6, 2010


One of the joys of having children spaced so far apart is that I get to experience two different stages at the same time.  Halloween was a blast with the babies!  We had soo much fun.  Emma only made it to a few houses, but Jake and his BFF Bradley went on and on and on!  The tricky part is keeping all the chocolate and sugar at a moderate level each day! 
One of my favorite Halloween Activities - we make rice crispies with Peanut Butter & orange food coloring; form them into Balls, stick a green apple licorice stick in the stop and paint a face on the front with black icing.  Rice Crispie Pumpkins!  My kids have  been doing this forever!

This one looks like Squid Works from 'Spongebob" :)

Jake was Optimus Crime for Halloween - yes, I said "Crime" - he can't pronounce his "P's" ;)

The cutest little witch ever!

We're also trying to potty train Jake and I just don't remember any of my other children being this difficult.  He just refuses to use the toilet. I've tried everything!  Any suggestions???

Kameron, on the other hand, went trick or treating this year without really dressing up.  Yes, he was one of those annoying teenagers who is obviously just out to get candy and not really doing it for the "spirit" of Halloween (no pun intended). 

Speaking of Kameron, currently, he is on his way to the Walnut Creek Kaiser Hospital to donate his Wii Game Console to the Pediatric Ward.  It seems that Netflix has made it so easy to stream movies using either our Wii or our PS3, that we caught Kameron watching a few inappropriate movies in his room.  Needless to say, this was a lesson we felt needed to be learned.  So the Wii is going bye bye, but rather than just throwing it out or taking it away, he get's to physically walk it into the hospital and give it to some kids who are little worse off than he.  We're hoping he get's something out of it.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Back in The Emergency Room

I forgot how much boys like to get into things.  Kameron was rambunctious, but Jake...... my goodness.  He not only likes to climb, but he likes to get into things that he's not supposed to.  He's been at the emergency room at least a dozen times since he was 18 months old do to some type of accident or ingesting something he's not supposed to.  One of these days, Kaiser is going to call CPS on me; I'm certain of it!  So last night, when we were home waiting for daddy to come home, Jake & Emma were playing in the living room with their toys.  I have an "Emergency Car Kit" that usually is in the trunk of my car, unless I have to take the double stroller somewhere, in which case, I have to take the car kit out because both will not fit in my trunk.  Jake has never gotten into it before and has shown no interest in it in the past.  But last night, he got into the car kit and took out the "Fix a Flat" - you know, the stuff in the spray can you can use to blow up your tire if you roll over a nail or something.  It seals the hole and inflates your tire with this foam stuff.  Jake thought it would be funny to put the little hose attachment on the can in his mouth and sprayed white solvent in his mouth!  I heard him scream and ran in there.  There he was, on the floor with white foam in his mouth, down his throat, on his clothes and hands and a puddle of it on the floor.  I saw the can lying next to him.  Kameron of course starts screaming hysterically (I almost slapped him just to get him under control as I was trying to go through in my head what I needed to do).  Ultimately, I threw everyone in the car and raced to the emergency room, calling Ken on the way and saying "Meet us there!".  Poor guy, he hates those calls. 

Needless to say, Jake was fine.  He only ingested a little bit of the solvent (although he smelled like a diesel station) The foamy stuff is at the bottom of the can and you apparently have to hold the can upside down to get it to come out the hose.  Kameron was more upset about the whole incident than Jake was ;).  I remember my mother saying that my brother Mason had one set of stitches for every year that he lived.  He was a wreck! 

Kirsten and Blair (her fiance) came to visit this week.  I really like her now that she's an adult.  Wait, that came out wrong ;).  I liked her as a child, but you know how when you're a mom, you are constantly correcting and teaching.  Now that she's an adult, we're more friends.  She's always made me laugh.  I wish she lived closer. 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kameron and his straw hat

So we had to talk Kameron into coming to the pumpkin farm with us today; while he was there we bought him a straw hat to shield his face from the sun. He complained so much about this straw hat, but yet, couldn't seem to take it off all day long!!!!!

It's Harvest Time!

O.K., so I meant to start this blog last Christmas and I'm finally getting around to posting my first blog.... ugghh!

What can I say. I'm a mother of 5; I come from a family of 10. Very old school LDS ;). I'm on my second and definately BETTER marriage ;). My older two children are from my first marriage. My oldest daughter, Kirsten is my little comedian. From the time she was a little girl, she has always made me laugh. Then there was my angel, Katelyn. She died at 5 months old from SIDS. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her. My oldest boy, Kameron was my personal little savior. He saved me from the depression I was in after losing Katelyn. Then came my youngest two from my current marriage; Jake 3 & Emma, 1. I'm enjoying these two so much now that I'm older and am actually able to be home with them!

Today, we went to the Smith Family Pumpkin Farm - I love fall! It's by far my favorite time of the year.

Don't be jealous... you know I look like a movie star!

Aunt Tessa & Cousin Donovan :)

Not really sure what daddy is doing here, but Kam & Jake look like they're having a blast!

Howdy miss....... he's actually trying to hide his face!

That's a spider on his cheek